Online QRCode Reader - Expose the contents contained inside a qrcode barcode, either by uploading an image or pointing to an online image URL.

Online QRCode Decoder/Reader

A service to read and decode qrcodes allowing the contents to be determined..

Website qrcode image reference:

Upload qrcode image:

Using the online qrcode decoder

Note: This decoder behaves as an average smartphone qrcode scanner

If you uploading a qrcode image file please ensure the image is in focus blurred or fuzzy qrcodes will not be decoded. Also ensure the area of the qrcode in the image is at least 60%. Tiny qrcodes in large images as well as partial qr images will not be decoded.

If you intend to use an URL then ensure it points directly to the image file, html files will not be accepted nor decoded. This scanner does not look forimages in webpages.

Example: will not work. What will work is /Images/QR-Code.webp.

Free Windows Webcam QR Code reader

If you have a Windows OS based device, then you can scan QR codes directly from the camera on your device. It will not act or react to anything in the QR Code, and only show you in text what the code contains.

See WebcamQRCodeScanner for more details.

Other online QRCode generators

Link display and printed collateral to online interactive Internet content using qrcodes. A selection of free qrcode generators for non-commercial use.