"The small pleasures in life that bring joy, inspiration, wonder, appreciation and relaxation."
Photography, falconry, music, automobiles, computers, electronics.

Jeroen Steeman - Hobbies


photographyAn amateur photographer by any standard, but do enjoy the craft of capturing images and shooting things with a camera.

Jeroen Steeman Photography


bass clefBass guitar is a passion although a howling six string with overdrive also gets attention. From classic to heavy metal - bring it on..

Jeroen Steeman Music


owlPassionate about birds of prey, from eagles to owls. An eager apprentice falconer at heart, with special interest in wild life preservation.

Falconry gallery


wheelA passion for American muscle cars as well as hybrid automobile power systems. If it has four wheels and drives, I like it. The Corvette

Jeroen Steeman Corvette


ElectronicsBoth digital and analogue electronics fascinate me. Interfacing to the real world via AD/DA and DIO. Building RF pre-amplifiers, notch filters and more, including ECO-Energy projects using the sun and the wind.

Electronics - RF Upconvertor

(micro) Computing

ComputeIn particular the micro computers like the Raspberry PI. Using small footprint low power computers to interface to the real world. For ultra small specific purpose computing, custom design circuits using pics are made.

Computing - Raspberry PI


TelecommunicationRadio receivers and transmitters with special interest going out to digital signal processing, software defined radio and antenna design calculators. From 1/4 dipoles to beer can antennas. From DC to 2.4 GHz and above.



HydroponicsThe technique of cultivating plants in water containing dissolved nutrients in a controlled environment without soil is called Hydroponics. This method of agriculture goes back to Babylonia, 600 BC


Fascination, interest and respect for wildlife, eco systems, natural resources and their preservation. (music by: Jonny Clegg & Savuka - Great Heart)




A South African bird that lives in a very small area around Knysna in the Eastern Cape, South Africa.

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A South African Caracal first identified in 1776 by von Schreber on the slopes of Table Mountain.

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Lion Cub

Lion Cub

Cape Lion

The African Lion, one of the big five. At this time the West African lion is an endangered species.

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African Elephant

African Elephant

African Elephant

The African Elephant. Typically has ears shaped like the African continent and is the largest walking animal on earth.

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