"Capturing the world through the eye of a camera."

Jeroen Steeman - Photography - Mega Programming

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Having to work with micro small PCBs, the microcontroller is programmed prior to it being soldered to the PCB. The hardware required to programm the microcontroller in-circuit would take up to much space. This construction is used to program the MCUs for the falconry telemetry system.

Arduino I2C Sniffer

Arduino I2C Sniffer

This project was for a friend who wanted to sniff an I2C data bus to monitor the traffic on it and display the data on a small OLED screen. The picture is of the working proof of concept.

Telemetry Components

Telemetry Components

Working on the concept of a small, compact yet powerful smart telemetry system. Examining what is available on the market, how it works and whether it is feasible to undertake a low budget project for light weight, highly mobile transceiver based telemetry.

APRS Prototype

APRS Prototype

Initial operational proof of concept APRS via an Arduino and HAM hand held talkie.

APRS Prototype

APRS Prototype 2

APRS getting to the stage I can actually carry it around and show how it works without everything falling to pieces and wires coming loose.

Welcome Break

Welcome Break

Taking a welcome break with a beautiful lady who is the sunshine of my life. Thank you for sharing your life with me.

Accuracy Counts

Accuracy Counts

Boys and their toys. No seriously I do enjoy marksmanship and an eager eye for accuracy. It's just a low pressure piston driven pellet gun which makes it all the harder to work with.

The real challenge here was making sure the scope mounting remained true. The issue is that with a normal riffle you get a kickback once. With this device you get it twice, and scopes are not built for this. An engineering friend at the saltmine engineered a mounting bolt to ensure the scope cannot move forward or backwards when mounted. Thanks Cor.

Sights On

Sights On

All set up and trimmed for 100m no wind conditions. Just love the laser site, you can shoot from the hip ;)

Lighting Project

Lighting Project

Project lights off the grid. One of the 'get off the grid' projects was to have all the lighting in the house run off a 12V DC battery pack which is loaded during daytime via 300 Watt solar panels. This project was completed in 2020 with no more neon or incandescent light sources in the home.

Other off the grid projects are a bit more difficult, like generating electricity from the creek behind the house to putting up a wind turbine as the local authorities will not allow it. Odd!?

Snowy Owl

Snowy Owl

EndFed Balun

EndFed Balun

EndFed Antenna Transformer

EndFed Antenna Transformer

Scope Hack

Scope Hack

Special offer, they said. Give away prices for students. So I got one. An entry level scope. Needed it anyway as all my electronic equipment remained in South Africa.

Known to be easily hacked to full feature, max frequency. However this was the latest version with all new firmware and no more common activation key. Dumped the firmware and compared it to another dump from a friend and with a bit of help figured out the key needed to activate all the scope features, including bumping the frequency to 150MHz.

Yagi Antenna Prototype

PD9JS Yagi Antenna Prototype

Smart Staircase Lighting

Smart Staircase Lighting

