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Interactive 3D Print On Wood Visualization

PrintMagixVisualize virtual printable products before these are actually manufactured. An interactive way to show and view products in a virtual 3D environment.
No software download, plugins or Flash required.

Give it a spin.

Use your mouse, mouse pad, trackball or fat finger via a touch sensitive screen and view the 3D object from any side.

Click on the images below to change the background (ambience and atmosphere). This is a demo, in the operational version, predefined backgrounds and template designs can be associated with individual product groups.

Interactive print on wood design demo for computer, laptops and tablets.

Printing on Aluminum

3D print on aluminum

Interactive web-to-print 3D viewer of a print on aluminum product.

Printing on glass

3D print on glass

Interactive web-to-print 3D viewer of a print on glass product.

Packaging visualization

3D Packaging design

Interactive web-to-print 3D viewer of product packaging.

Printmagix provides online printing, publishing and packaging solutions

A set of effective simple and affordable online graphics services for the publishing, packaging and printing industry to create personalized products.

The working example above is the result of allowing users to upload an image, pan, zoom and crop to suit the measurements of the wood or plywood.

The Printmagix 3D viewer creates a virtual 3D world and allowing the printed wooden panel to be interactively viewed from any angle using a mouse, mouse pad, trackball or touch sensitive screen.

If its printable it's displayable online and in 3D with the ability to interactively view the products at any angle. Tools for viewing and proofing 3D products.