"The Iframe QR Code Generator is a simple 'copy & paste' solution to generate QR Codes for any sort of website."

Iframe QR Codes

framePlace a QR code generator anywhere in any page of your website using simple 'copy & paste'.

Based on HTML it is compatible with any type of website.

Open the example text file and paste the HTML content into your web page.

Replace 'MYKEYVALUE' with your key!

Generation Key

keyIn order to prevent abuse we require a 'key' to be sent with each request, failing this, we return psychedelic qr code images of our creative choosing.

Generation keys are issued for free and are subject to terms and services.

Get your free QR Code API key here.

How to...?

how toDownload and open the 'Iframe-example.txt' file. It contains all the code you need.

If you do not have a key for the generator, request one to be sent to you for free.

Place your key where you see 'MYKEYVALUE' in the text file. Save this and paste it into the HTML view of your webpage.


informationThis API service is intended for non-commercial testing, personal and educational use.

Your generation key we send you via email is also valid for use with:

Blog article about the advanced features of the iframe QR code generator.

Iframe QR code generator working example